Agroforestry is a sustainable land management system that combines trees with crops or livestock on the same plot of land. By harnessing the benefits of diverse vegetation, agroforestry promotes soil health, biodiversity, conservation, carbon sequestration and water management. It offers a sustainable alternative to conventional monoculture farming to mitigate deforestation while providing multiple sources of income to farmers. Planting agroforestry represents a holistic approach towards achieving a greener, more sustainable future. Our teams at WFA are experienced and dedicated to maximizing the benefits of agroforestry for both the environment and your land. With years of experience implementing agroforestry systems, our team possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to tailor solutions to your specific needs and goals.
Williams Forestry & Associates
Williams Forestry & Associates can customize a warranty for our client’s needs. We would be happy to discuss your maintenance needs for your projects including, mowing, weed eating, fence repair, invasive weed control.